
Showing posts from November, 2011

БРАТ СЕРБ (Artificial build-up of Jupiter)

I 'm thinking about the planets in orbit around the sun right now . Perhaps the world is also what they think , cutting ellipse similar and not similar at the same time . Such small my head. How can I fit in my head the solar system, Milky Way , Universe?   Look! Heroes of our galaxy Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 continues its journey! I am interested in their fate ! They're my peers ! Maybe I'll die , and Voyagers are still regularly to be felt . Perhaps my soul on the road to hell , to meet with Voyager there, deep in space.   And I'll tell the angels escort me to a new home , See, this is American Voyagers ! Can I pass through them greetings to my wife ? She is now not easy , I will say that I'm fine , though slightly marred by the fact that I will never return to Earth ! Oh, fancy ...   I think about the " wandering " stars, planets drifting ... Sphere, sphere , spheres

So, some thought a simple Russian-speaking

You know, I certainly feel like a guest here . But it is not just a guest, and a Goodwill Ambassador . I am aware of the degree of responsibility for the writing in this blog. I came to you just to share some pictures and thoughts . Perhaps someone is interested, is thinking about Russian-speaking Ukrainian word of mouth. And here I am.   I was always thrilled when I saw the films of Hollywood Russian heroes who are working together with American heroes. Great burden of responsibility and corrections Google translator does not allow me to speak fully and understandingly .    Countries, states - they are as people. People who are each with its own characteristics , qualities, and longevity , lifestyle and thinking. Someone needs a lot of friends , who then needs one , but a true friend. Who is it like to live in grand style, who is content with the bare essentials.   Some change their partners , while others

Icicle/Сосулька (рисунок СМИ/Media)

Well , finally, in severe male system flowed into the creation of a female !   The name of her Icicle -Сосулька!   All about evil, hateful , gloomy and cold raw as the earth at the cemetery. Brains are tired to delve into history , ancestors, descendants ... What is the difference?   Scythians, Sarmatians , Kievan Rus . The history . Gods ...   Imbued with the ancient Greek gods and philosophy. Plato , Aristotle , Socrates. Over time, everything settles into the sediment . It remains to Pythagoras !   Years later submits to the Scandinavian myths , gods ... In place of Zeus and Mars come to Odin, Thor and Tyr . Thor is similar to Hercules . In sacrificed young Balder , whom revenge is generally very young Vali ...   There are new and not previously known facts of history have our ancestors and compatriots. Here lived the Scythians, Sarmatians and then . Close contact with a lot of terrible people , wars

Now stagnation, or in anticipation of the race 557

Mood like spring . Hmm , interesting. Palm feel how little matter over the bones. Lost weight. Running at a distance of 10 to 15 km supports the weight and can not lose weight below normal. I'm out of the next crisis and I am in a period of stagnation. On the fateful race 558 ! ..     After prolonged treatment of hepatitis and discharged from the hospital , I was forced to abandon intensive training athleticism. I moved into a run. Running with the weighting in the hands of long and middle distance . The first race March 13, 1999 . And it began and continues jogging era in my life.     One of the most vexing questions for me : well , you still run? Yes, running, and will run until I die ! Still have questions ? Jogging and gives me life. This is one of egregors that I exist and live in the mutual agreements and obligations. I can not imagine life without running ...     I'm running through t


Phew ! Yesterday was the peak of the crisis , a bad day ... And now, after nearly two months , you wake up full of energy and creativity. No more pictures , politics, patriotism ... Crises are a regular phenomenon in the calendar of my life, they have their own inherent qualities. It is hard to describe this phenomenon ... As if I leave the body in the autonomous mode , and the going off somewhere on business. Maybe in another, higher plane , I'm helping a good force, may my soul is regular fees for professional development , well, I do not know . Bone thinning , you careless of your own body , you go anywhere, but just not in his temple . Crisis can not be avoided , but it is necessary that he held with minimal losses. To do this, support the body in such things as cold water, green tea , onions or garlic . If he drags you had to use the valerian and to support to protect the heart during off my cross

Avangard is coming!/Авангард идет!

Glory to Avangard ! He is already underway, it will save us ! Oh, forgiving Avangard ! Where is your face? Warm our hearts with his eyes ... Glory to Avangard ! Слава Авангарду!Он уже идет,он нас будет спасать! О,всепрощающий Авангард! Где твой лик? Согрей своим взглядом наши сердца... Слава Авангарду!

Ukrainiy in Vladivostok, 2042. Posthumous portrait


For those who have sometimes looked at my blog and live in the U.S.

If you allow me, in Russian ... Все время с момента обещания нарисовать вам рисунок - я думал об этом. Я думал о вас,жители США,о вашей стране и пытался трансформировать в себе ощущение в образ,который бы спровоцировал кончиком ручки на  чистый лист бумаги. Доходило до головной боли,но в итоге много испорченных листов и не исполненное обещание.    Сегодня,когда я все-таки увидел этот образ-я делюсь мыслями с вами. Я чувствовал барьер. Более того-я чувствовал страх! Думая о вас - я испытывал волнение и какой-то страх. Но почему? Я спрашивал сам у себя: почему все покрыто непроницаемым куполом,который пугает и заставляет отвернуться и идти назад? Но я не уходил,потому что помыслы мои чисты. Я  оставался мыслями рядом с вами и словно ждал разрешения там,в ментальном мире,где творят художники и музыканты. Внутреннее чувство подсказывает мне следующее: вы словно цивилизация в цивилизации. Вы защищены,оснащены и имеете миссию. Мне трудно описать,я не полиглот. Когда я пообещал вам рисун

