Icicle/Сосулька (рисунок СМИ/Media)

Well, finally, in severe male system flowed into the creation of a female!
 The name of her Icicle-Сосулька!
 All about evil, hateful, gloomy and cold raw as the earth at the cemetery. Brains are tired to delve into history, ancestors, descendants ... What is the difference?
 Scythians, Sarmatians, Kievan Rus. The history. Gods ...

 Imbued with the ancient Greek gods and philosophy. Plato, Aristotle, Socrates. Over time, everything settles into the sediment. It remains to Pythagoras!
 Years later submits to the Scandinavian myths, gods ... In place of Zeus and Mars come to Odin, Thor and Tyr. Thor is similar to Hercules. In sacrificed young Balder, whom revenge is generally very young Vali ...
 There are new and not previously known facts of history have our ancestors and compatriots. Here lived the Scythians, Sarmatians and then. Close contact with a lot of terrible people, wars, conquests, crashes and falls ... Slav Vedas ... Rod, Perun, Dazhdbog, Svarog ...

 And all this against the background of what you are Orthodox Christian.
 But why an English translation of the word has no other Orthodox? Orthodox, does not sound like a heart, no soul. But in terms of probably somewhere close by. But that's not the faith of the people - and in each person individually. I'm not stressed yourself in faith, faith in me. Inner sense differentiates between good and evil, truth and falsehood. And this is not the merit of faith. This is a man, but sometimes people are very different.
