Homo sapiens: Issues of co-existence of life and mind. Part 1

Человек разумный :Вопросы совместного существования жизни и разума. Часть 1
   Of what is man? What is it made ​​of? Obviously, it is made of what the Earth. And the sun, whose rays warm and illuminate us. So: the Sun and Earth. This means that all the inhabitants of the solar system - brothers and sisters on the father - the sun. But our mothers will be different - different planet. Is it true? Probably. More ...
   We found out who our potential parents. But who are our godparents? Who is the godfather and mother? Who are we kept on hand at the time of the sacraments of initiation? We rely on the soul. We hope that we have a soul. We want to believe it. And at the thought of the soul, we downgrade our minds. And the reason - can not be underestimated. What exactly are looking for scientists in space? Mind!
   The mind - the greatest gift! In contrast to the soul - the mind has the ability to improve. Reason - it is freedom for man. Homo sapiens - a free man. He is able to solve problems do not adapt to them. Reason prevails over feelings - is the victory of man. This means that the mind is capable of working in an alien environment!
   Conclusion: The mind does not belong to either the Earth or the Sun. Can this be? Could it be that the mind - is brought to us from the outside? Death of a person gives Earth a property right. Earth returns her, the sun takes its. A person's mind? And can the mind of a single person does not mean anything?Can the human mind starts to run and improve with the availability of a certain number of people in the group? What happens to the man if he settle on another planet? Not so, as the Earth. Will there be an information field in which the will operate the human mind?
   Scientists are looking for the planet, more or less similar to the Earth. The conditions for human life - hard to find, if possible at all. But the existence of the Mind - a much more common in the universe, and even the solar system. Just on Earth was suitable our form and content.
   Death ... Death of human on Earth. Human death on Neptune. Will there be identical to the two deaths? Do not reject the Neptune is that it does not belong? You can bring on another planet food, water and oxygen. But is this just? What a man will be deprived? And is there any point in the search for a different mind in the Galaxy?
   Search for the Mind will make sense only when the human body will cease to have effect on the human mind! The body-only optimal form, a receptacle for the Mind. The body - the carrier of the mind. In the universe there are many of these forms: they are so different! You're looking for intelligent life, mister?But are you ready to find a form of intelligent life on which you have the heart to burst? Or a form - from which you will fall to their knees in delight and awe. You must learn to see the content rather than form. Reason must prevail over emotion and passion! There is a conflict.
   The mind needs to be taken care of. Spirituality, ethics, morality, the Ten Commandments, religion, faith ... To stay on track-The mind needs constant adjustment. The mind needs a gyroscope! Who or what lights the way for the impatient and intolerant mind? Maybe what we call ...
   Soul! The soul, your secret is not solved. Around the heart-shaped assumptions, and only a description. Do you know what is the soul? Soul - a surety of God for us humans. Soul - a deposit of God. Now we can not imagine us without a soul. We hope only to her. Indeed, as we think, a spark of God. The world is harsh! The mind alone will not survive!
    Homo sapiens simply destroys the other Homo sapiens. The mind - predator. Through the soul, we want to get in touch with someone important to us. From those who judge us. So our minds are not ready for contact. If you go to the contact now - fall into the abyss of shame and slavery. Are you ready for contact with other minds? Ask your soul!
