Лондон - Мать городов Революцких.

Владиславова А.В., Либерзон В.Д., Чеснокова В.И.
Самоучитель Английского языка.
Часть I,
Издательство "Международные отношения"
Москва 1966,
Харьковская книжная фабрика им. Фрунзе Комитета по печати при Совете Министров УССР.
Страница 67
Текст для перевода

            Lenin's Links with London

    Hounded by the Tsarist police, Lenin had to spend many years in exile abroad. But he never gave up his struggle to organize that strong Party which led the workers and peasants of Russia to victory, the overthrow of Tsarism and the establishment of the first Socialist State. In many countries Lenin and his wife Krupskaya found refuge. And London too gave hospitality to Lenin on five separate occasions during his wandering abroad. He first came in April 1902 to continue the Third and the Fifth Party Congresses which took place in London. His last visit was in April - May 1908 to work at the British Museum gathering material for his work on "Materialism and Empiriocriticism".
    So London played an important part in those early days of that small group of men and women led by Lenin which was later to become the Soviet Communist Party.
    And Britain's capital can claim with pride that British working class helped Lenin to publish "Iskra". Harry Quelsh, editor of the journal of the Social Democratic Federation "Justice" made arrangements for the publication of "Iskra" in the editorial offices of "Justice". He placed his printing press at the disposal of Lenin.
    The tiny room where Harry Quelsh and Vladimir Lenin worked together is a memorial to the cooperation between the Socialist movements of Britain and Russia.

